I don't want silence..

I don't want silence, I want peace.
 When everything is silent, it can easily be destroyed by something as simple as a  sneeze.
 My inner voices starts screaming, still nobody hears.
 They are hypnotized by the silence around them, covering their ears.

 And if they heard, what difference would it make?
Some would ignore, and sure some would fake.
But the truth is, we all have our own business', our own voices.

But the tone of them is all depending on your choises. 

Still, I want to reach out, find the words.
Instead of shrieking bats I want to hear the song of birds.
The birds sing on somene elses' shoulders, there they grow.
But my own birds turned against me a long time ago.

I don't want silence, I want peace.
Then, I'll feel strong, even when I'm down on my knees.

Liten dikt jag skrivit nyss, ja, jag är lite nere, så blir det när man tänker för mycket. Denna dikten säger mycket om mig, även om ni egentligen inte bryr er. Önskar er alla en god natt, och jag lovar att jag snart blir glad och flumm igen ^-^


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